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Water Damage Restoration in Downingtown, PA

Mold thrives in dark, damp environments when it’s left to its own devices. Clammy corners, dripping basement walls, and humid attics are all prime real estate for mold spores to take hold. Attics, in particular, are an excellent breeding ground for mold damage as they tend to get little foot traffic in the average home. If your home in Downingtown, PA, has an attic that is prone to humidity, the water damage restoration experts at ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration recommend taking some extra steps to prevent mold damage.

Ensure Adequate Airflow

Attics aren’t exactly known for being sunny and breezy, and for the most part, that’s just fine as they’re still able to serve their purpose without being perfectly temperate or well lit. But an attic with no airflow at all can lead to mildew and trapped moisture. Even if you only enter your attic a few times a year, try to prevent overcrowding of the space and be careful not to block any vents. Regular, fresh air can help prevent mold damage by keeping the area dry.

Prioritize Roof Upkeep

Most homeowners and property managers already know that roof upkeep is an essential part of extending the life of your dwelling, but this goes double for preventing unexpected water damage. Damage to the roof can, in turn, lead to mold damage, and without water damage restoration, that mold damage can become exponentially worse over time. If your roof isn’t protecting your attic, a single rainstorm can be the difference between a mold-free home and a major health risk.

Understand that Water Damage Restoration Is Always Urgent

And perhaps most importantly, mold damage should never be ignored. The nature of mold means that once it begins to grow, it has the ability rapidly spread throughout a home. Water damage restoration can put a stopper to mold growth and allow your home to recover, but its effectiveness is closely tied to the speed in which restoration begins. If you ignore mold and mildew in your attic for too long, water damage restoration becomes more difficult.

If your Downingtown, PA, attic is showing signs of mold damage, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team at ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration. We can help assess your situation and create a water damage restoration plan that is customized to your home. Homeowners and property managers in need of water damage restoration can reach out to us at (610) 524-8003 or visit our website here to find out more about our mold damage restoration options.