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Fire Damage Restoration in Your Malvern, PA, Home after a Kitchen Fire

Fire Damage Restoration in Kitchen

Kitchen fires, large or small, can do a number on a house. Whether you’re contending with a sudden burst of flame or a slow, smoky mishap, even a few seconds of burning and smoke are enough to stain walls, singe appliances, and just cause an overall mess. At ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration, we provide fire damage restoration for kitchen fires of all types and sizes. If you’re trying to get your Malvern, PA, kitchen back in working order as soon as possible, professional fire damage restoration is your best option.

How Small Kitchen Fires Can Have a Big Impact

Fire loves to spread and smoke loves to saturate porous surfaces. With their powers combined, even a small fire can cause major damage. Without proper attention, fire damage that appears minor can steadily worsen over time. Smoke damage becomes harder to remove, stains set, and your “small” kitchen fire can leave a permanent mark on your home. If you’re not sure about the extent of the damage at a glance, quickly consulting with an expert after the fire is the safest way forward.

The Dangerous Nature of Grease Fires

Grease fires come with even more potential risk factors in the kitchen. You may have been told to never throw water on a grease fire and that remains one of the best kitchen safety tips out there. When hot grease and water mix, they create a kind of miniature explosion in your kitchen. A small flame can balloon outward and upward, causing injuries or just suddenly increasing the breadth of the fire as a whole. Following a grease-related kitchen fire, the residue left behind is often oily, sticky, and difficult to clean with conventional means. Grease fires frequently need a special, professional restoration touch.

What to Expect from Fire Damage Restoration

Whether your kitchen fire was a grease fire or a roast-gone-wrong one, the clock starts ticking as soon as smoke makes contact with the surfaces in your home. The good news is that our fire damage restoration team handles everything from surface cleaning to complex repairs. No matter the extent of your fire, we can walk you through the restoration process and help get your kitchen back in action.

Rather than risking long-term damage to your Malvern, PA, home, consult with our fire damage restoration professionals as soon as possible after the fire occurs. Residents can reach out to ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration at (610) 524-8003 or by visiting our website here to find out more.