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How to Minimize Fire Damage Before Beginning the Fire Damage Restoration Process in West Chester, PA

Fires can happen to anyone anywhere. No matter how careful you are, no matter how many pamphlets you read or safety classes you attend, sooner or later, you’re likely going to have to deal with a fire. If not at your office or a public place, then your home. Fires are scary, especially when they appear seemingly out of nowhere, and the aftermath can be devastating. You don’t know where to turn. You don’t know who to call or how to process. You don’t even know what you’re going to do from minute-to-minute. Of course, while you need to call a fire damage restoration company like ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration to help you fully recover, there are things you can do in your West Chester, PA home to minimize damage.


Avoid Entering Your Home

It’s important to listen to the local fire department and let them determine when it’s safe to go back into your home. Once it’s safe to do so, make sure to avoid too much foot traffic. As more and more people go walking through your home, they could spread and push soot and other particles into the carpeting, making a bad situation worse. Unintentional yet permanent damage may also occur to any furniture that might have otherwise had only a small amount of damage.


Leave the Walls and Carpeting Alone

When some people are dealing with the aftermath of a fire, they try to clean their home themselves. This is dangerous and could cause further damage. Waiting for fire damage restoration help from professionals is the best course of action. They can also help you with thorough and effective smoke removal.

Contact ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration of West Chester, PA for reliable fire damage restoration assistance. Visit us here or call us at (610) 524-8003.