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Fire Damage Restoration from an Office Fire at Your Chester Springs, PA, Business

It’s impossible to plan for every possibility as a Chester Springs, PA, business owner, but the worst-case scenario for many is a fire in their office. Whether your office includes your storefront or a separate location, the associated costs, cleaning needs, and delay in normal business is a nightmare should it happen. At ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration, our fire damage restoration experts can help you navigate an office fire, and even better, get you back in business as quickly as possible.

Fire Prevention at Professional Locations

Fire prevention at the office looks slightly different than in your personal home because of the higher concentration of moving bodies, equipment, and business-necessary nooks and crannies. Even a low-technology business still uses electricity, which means there’s no escaping the possibility of a spark in the wrong place at the wrong time.

In order to ensure that your business is staying fire-safe, make sure that:

  • The building is up to code in every way possible, but especially when it comes to wiring.
  • You’re facilitating a culture of cleanliness and organization—cluttered, dusty corners are prime material for tinder.
  • Power strips and outlets aren’t being overloaded.
  • Lounge appliances, such as coffee makers or other necessary business tools, are receiving regular cleaning and upkeep, and are being used safely. The majority of fires begin in the kitchen, and a microwave malfunction can quickly become another fire statistic.

Of course, the ideal is that a fire never happens, but even if you do everything right, it’s still possible to get unlucky and incur an office fire.

What Fire Damage Restoration Can Do for Your Business

Our fire damage restoration professionals at ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration work side by side with business owners and other professionals to restore damaged offices to pre-fire working condition as quickly as possible. We handle everything from damage cleanup to internal and external repairs and restoration.

Our damage cleanup and fire damage restoration experts understand that business fires come with a strict time budget. The longer an office is out of commission, the more potential there is for profit loss. Because of this, our teams work quickly and effectively.

If your Chester Springs, PA, place of business has experienced an office fire, our team can help. Call (610) 524-8003 today for damage cleanup support and comprehensive fire damage restoration services. You can also visit our website to find out more about our services.