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Cleaning Mistakes You’re Making and Why You Would Need Professional Trauma Cleanup Help in Frazer, PA

We all like to think we know everything there is to know about cleaning and keeping our homes in tip-top shape. All you need is some cleaning spray and paper towels, occasionally run the vacuum cleaner over your carpeting and sweep the floors, and you can call it a day, right?

Well, no, especially if you want to make sure your home is truly clean. We all make cleaning mistakes, and some are more obvious than others. So, what mistakes are you making, and why do you need to, for example, call a professional trauma cleanup company when the situation calls for it? How can you fix these mistakes?


Aggressively Scrubbing

Some of us are so determined to get out a nasty stain that we rub and scrub a bit too hard. This can actually make the situation worse. In the case of a carpet stain, if you rub your cleaning cloth around too hard, you could actually push the stain deeper into the fibers of the carpet. Instead of being aggressive about cleaning, it’s better to gently blot the spot and also only use a small amount of the cleaning product of your choice. Yes, it takes longer, but you will save yourself from a lot of trouble in the long run.


Diluting Cleaning Supplies

Maybe you want to save money, so you add water to your cleaning products. In your mind it’s not really hurting anything, and you don’t have to go to the store as much for supplies. Sadly, when you dilute a cleaning product, you dilute its ability to fully clean. In the end it will take you longer and you’ll have to use more of it to make it work, wasting your time, money, and effort.

If you come across hazardous stains such as blood, calling a trauma cleanup company (also known as a biohazard cleanup company) is the best thing you can do. Contact ServiceMaster Professional Cleaning and Restoration of Frazer, PA for professional trauma cleanup help. We can be reached directly online or by calling us today at (610) 524-8003.